Review: Manny Castro’s Stormscape at UTA Artist Space
Taking inspiration from the land and sea, Castro creates a multi-sensory environment for the audience with the heavy thematics of emigration, invisibility amongst communities of color, and the traumatic undertakings of Cuban exiles.

Fact or Fiction: Storytelling in the ‘Made in L.A. 2020: a version’ Biennial Exhibition
In an era of fake news, story spinning and the increasing importance of “fact-checking,” the need for examining ideas of authority when it comes to storytelling are greater than ever before. Coincidently, the exploration of what is real and what is not is particularly relevant to the city of Los Angeles with its roots in the entertainment industry and history as a center of manufactured storytelling. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the dismantling of artifice, and examining of the relationship between fact and fiction are themes currently being addressed by artists living and working in Los Angeles today.